This Modern Slavery Statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Flooid Limited’s (“Flooid”) modern slavery statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2020. Flooid is dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards and this statement sets out the steps Flooid takes to reflect Flooid’s zero tolerance stance to the use of modern slaves and human trafficking through our supply chains.

Our Organization’s Structure
Flooid, is headquartered in Birmingham, UK and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Flooid Holdings Limited. Flooid has an affiliated office in the USA and is a global provider of software solutions for the retail and hospitality sectors, employing circa 250 people in the UK.

Our Supply Chains
Flooid procures goods and services from approximately 200 vendors globally which include third party suppliers often related to software development.

Our Modern Slavery Policy
Flooid is committed to acting with integrity and promoting work environments that engender conditions of freedom, equality, security and dignity. Flooid expects its employees, contractors and suppliers to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Modern Slavery Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all business relationships. As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk, Flooid requests that all suppliers provide written confirmation that they are not involved in slavery or human trafficking.

Supplier Adherence to our Policy
Flooid seeks to obtain a statement from all suppliers which confirms such suppliers do not participate in slavery and human trafficking. Additionally, Flooid includes a compliance clause with the Modern Slavery Act in all our agreements. Flooid reserves the right to audit all suppliers to ensure suppliers align their guidelines, policies and practices with Flooid’s approach to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. A breach of such requirements may lead to a review or termination of Flooid’s relationship with a supplier.

Flooid’s Legal, Supplier Management and HR teams are involved in ensuring compliance both internally at Flooid and externally with suppliers and other relevant third parties.

Continuing Effort and Commitment
Flooid will continue to assess our policies and engage with our employees, contractors and suppliers to raise awareness and manage risk of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking occurring in our organization and in our supply chain.

This statement is approved by the Flooid board of directors for the financial year ending December 2020.